Call for 2015 Conference Presentations
The 2015 CSMTA State Conference will take place on June 3-5, 2015 (Wednesday through Friday) at the Colorado State University - Pueblo.
To submit an application for a formal session, presentation, or to make a recommendation send: Name, Presentation Title, and Subject Content To: Dr. Zahari Metchkov, Include “session” as subject.
Formal Session: DEADLINE NOVEMBER 1. A 60-minute presentation in a classroom setting on a music-related topic. Topics to consider include (but are not limited to): composition, technique, repertoire, collaborative performance, business policies, or other studio and performance-related topics that address the needs and interests of music instructors.
Poster Presentation: DEADLINE MAY 1. This is a visual presentation of information for display. Authors present and describe the work, provide handouts, and answer questions at the designated Poster Session times. Typical categories include (but are not limited to): research papers, studio/pedagogy projects, and practical teaching information.
Mealtime Performance Presentation: DEADLINE MAY 1. An informal solo or ensemble performance presented before or during a catered lunch or dinner.